Some of My Comics and Illustrations
Why I need Tim Gunn in my life
thedankestpinkyoshi said they want to say a fallout version of Boskov from Billy and Mandy
Day 1 of the Drawing Challenge of Awesomeness! This entry is part my first experience as a cosplayer in 2008
I couldn’t help myself. After doing the bear from Billy and Mandy in a Fallout style for thedankestpinkyoshi.tumblr
My reaction to Bethesda Fallout 4 trailer !
This should have been the first comic releases in this page, but what done is done. Beanie comics is comic that is close to my heart
Geek Problem #1_ Not enough hours in the day for sleep
Are you ready for American Horror Story tonight_ Beanie is, and she went to the store to make sure there wouldn’t be a food shortage during_
Are you going to watch American Horror Story Tomorrow_ Beanie is pumped up for it!